Monday, June 06, 2005

What Apple's Switch Means to Desktop Linux

the Geek world is buzzing with news that Apple is to Use Intel Microprocessors Beginning in 2006
What Apple's Switch Means to Desktop Linux

Apple is going x86 makes today a historic day in the industry. It may mean that Microsoft might see a few percent decline of their market share the next few years, but what about Linux?

You still have to have Mac hardware to run MacOS even with an Intel chip

This really doesn't change anything unless the price of the package drops.

Linux will be just as strong a force tomorrow as it was today. Microsoft is safe in that you can't just run MacOS on any old Dell PC.

apple will take customers largely from microsoft.

what are the reasons people use linux/oss on the desktop:

* people are fed up with the viruses/windows crashes/bugs
* cheap or free
* extremely customisable - the people love to tinker
* controlled by them, the community
* benefits of free/open source software

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